
Saturday, January 31, 2009


Play Therapy

Children are full of giggles, groans, and goofy sounds. They are not always able to understand or express the problems they experience. They need help that is created just for them. What do children do best? They play. Play is the universal language of children. Counseling that is designed to use child language is called play therapy. Play therapy is a group of treatment interventions using child play to assess and treat children using what they do best - play. We offer children and their families the play therapy modality that can help children most easily change their problems.


• Play therapy is a technique whereby the child’s natural means of expression, namely plays, is used as a therapeutic method to assist him/her in coping with emotional stress or trauma.
• It has been used effectively with children who have an understanding level of a normal three to eight year old, who are; distraught-berdukacita due to family problems (e.g., parental divorce, sibling rivalry-persaingan), nail biters, bed wetter-lembab, aggressive or cruel, social underdeveloped, or victims of child abuse.
• It has also been used with special education students whose disability is a source of anxiety or emotional.
• Practitioners of play therapy believe that this method allows the child to manipulate the world on a smaller scale, something that cannot be done in the child's everyday environment. By playing with specially selected materials, and with the guidance of a person who reacts in a designated manner, the child plays out his/her feelings, bringing these hidden emotions to the surface where s/he can face them and cope with them.
• Play Therapy is often used as tool of diagnosis. A play therapist observes a client playing with toys (play-houses, pets, dolls, etc.) to determine the cause of the disturbed behavior. The objects and patterns of play, as well as the willingness to interact with the therapist can be used to understand the underlying rationale for behavior both inside and outside the session.
How does therapeutic play work?

A safe, confidential and caring environment is created which allows the child to play with as few limits as possible but as many as necessary (for physical and emotional safety). This allows healing to occur on many levels following our natural inner trend towards health. Play and creativity operate on impulses from outside our awareness - the unconscious. No medication is used.

The therapist may reflect back to the child observations of what has happened during the session if this is felt to be appropriate. Above all the child is given “Special Time”. So often in modern life we never seem to have enough time to spend with our children - just playing, just being there for them. The child is given strategies to cope with difficulties they face in life and which they themselves cannot change. It provides a more positive view of their future life.

Sessions may last from typically 30 to 45 minutes. They may be with individual or
groups of children. A variety of techniques - 'the Play Therapy Toolkit' are used according to the child’s wishes and the skills of the ‘therapist’. These may include:


• The aim of play therapy is to decrease those behavioral and emotional difficulties that interfere significantly with a child's normal functioning. Inherent in this aim is improved communication and understanding between the child and his parents. Less obvious goals include improved verbal expression, ability for self-observation, improved impulse control, more adaptive ways of coping with anxiety and frustration, and improved capacity to trust and to relate to others.

• In this type of treatment, the therapist uses an understanding of cognitive development and of the different stages of emotional development as well as the conflicts common to these stages when treating the child.


• 1. Select a student who might benefit from play therapy.
2. Decide if you will have a separate session with this child or whether you will sit near the student during your class play period or recess.
3. Obtain materials for the session. Recommended items include:
-manipulative (e.g., clay, crayons, painting supplies)
-water and sand play containers
- toy kitchen appliances, utensils, and pans
- baby items (e.g., bottles, bibs, rattles, etc.)
- dolls and figures of various sizes and ages
- toy guns, rubber knives
- toy cars, boats, soldiers, and animals
- blocks, erector sets
- stuffed animals

• Place the materials in specific places where they can be located for each session.
• 5. Meet the student and introduce him/her to the play area.
• 6. Inform the student of limitations and how long the session will last (usually 30-60 minutes).
• 7. Allow the student to choose materials. Do not suggest materials or activities. If the student wishes to leave before the session ends, that is allowed. However, the student is not allowed to return that day. He is informed of the time of the next scheduled session.
• 8. Use the "reflection" technique (see the filed named "Non-Directive Counseling) to respond to the student's comments. If the student is non-verbal, your role will change. You will be describing what the student is doing.
• 9. As the end of the session nears, inform the student of that fact, stating the number of minutes left.
• 10. Upon reaching the time limit, inform the student in a manner similar to the following: "Our time is up for today. We'll have to stop now and put the toys back where we found them." The student is not allowed to continue playing.
• 11. Inform the student as to when the next session will be held.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Sample for Career Counseling










03 JULAI 2008



Super(1981)- career counseling as 1 process to help individual improve and try to accept complete view about she/he self, and the roles in career world, then try to change to be reality for satisfied and give benefit for society.


  1. Career counseling focus for client which having confuses what the job which available for their working after study.
  2. To helping client getting the job which match with behavior client and their favorite in life.
  3. Career counseling then, helping student creates positive behavior for career world.
  4. Giving view first for student about environment job.
  5. To helping counselor u

Career Test for Student Want to working After STPM –

  • Introduced in 1959.

  • Updated in 1966, 1973, 1978 & 1985.

  • An individual’s personality is the primary factor in vocational choice.

  • Interest inventories are in fact personality inventories.

  • Individuals develop stereotypical views of occupations that have psychological relevance. These steoreotypes plays a major role in occupational choice.


In our culture most persons can be categorized as one of six types: realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising, and conventional (R, I, A, S, E, C).

People search for environments that will let them exercise their skills and abilities, express their attitudes and values and take on agreeable problems and roles.

A person behavior is determined by an interaction between his personality and the characteristics of his environment.

3 Code Program and Occupation

Bac. Engineering Realistic R – I – E

Bac. Science (Hons.) Investigative I– S – R

Bac. Education Artistik A – S – E

Bac. Guidance and Social S – E – A


Bac. Bussiness Admin. Enterprising E – S – C

Bac. Perakaunan Conventional C – E – S

Example theory John Holland used questionnair:


People Focus : ?

Address : Lorong Palas 2, Lot 244 Taman Jindo

Date : 03 Julai 2008

From this questionnair analysis, we get this people more for Social, Conventional, Enterprising. This is showing he available to be are counselor, accountant or engineering.


John Holland certainly, which personality people available with thier enviroment, and if their are give job with available with thier like directly will give satisfield in their self and give sipirit or motivation to working.

This is example for Student counseling club do the career counseling. What we are got looked members of counseling club try to showing they are have ability to draw poster for career counseling.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

student counseling club berkelah di air terjun kiansom inanam

Assalamualaikum n hai semua..

Terlebih dahulu saya mengucapkan terima kasih kepada semua rakan-rakan yang memberikan support dalam menjayakan aktiviti yang pertama dalam tahun 2009 ini. Untuk pengetahuan ur all aktiviti ni telah di rancang 2 minggu yang lepas atas persetujuan dan komitmen dari member club untuk mengadakan aktiviti ini.. Aktiviti berkelah ini diadakan adalah bertujuan untuk mengeratkan hubungan sillatul-rahim antara semua ahli club dan juga pelajar-pelajar yang dari course yang lain.. selain itu juga dapat mengisi aktiviti sempena cuti tahun baru cina..
Aktiviti berkelah ini bermula apabila semua ahli club dan rakan-rakan berkumpul di Sidma Collage pada pukul 9 pagi. pada mulanya perjalanan dijadualkan pada pukul 8 pagi.. Kami bertolak ke air terjun kiansom tepat pukul 9 .30 pagi dan sampai di sana sekitar jam 10 pagi. Apabila tiba di lokasi kami berkumpul dan mencari tempat yang sesuai untuk berkelah. Setelah mendapat tempat berkelah yang sesuai kami mengadakan aktiviti mandi air terjun, makan tengah hari, bermesra dengan rakan-rakan dan aktiviti bertukar hadiah dengan ahli-ahli club. Setelah semua aktiviti selesai kami berangkat balik ke rumah masing-masing tepat jam 3 petang.
Aktiviti seumpama ini memberikan satu kenangan dan pengalaman yang manis serta tidak dapat dilupakan. Dengan aktiviti ini juga dapat menyenangkan fikiran kepada semua pelajar kaunseling. Diharap semua ahli club bergembira dan enjoy dengan aktiviti yang diadakan.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Members Of Student Counseling Club (CSC)


1. Ahmad Rithaudeen Janudin DM0610016
2. Andy Kedit a/k Gilbert Luta DM0610003
3. Angela Julip DM0670122
4. Ardiana Soinin DM0580611
5. Azlina Emran DM0580808
6. Azrinah Imran DM0670083
7. Cahaya Japar DM0580828
8. Effa Izie Jamaluddin DM0560071
9. Elvison Japari
10. Euzenny Nallson DM0560000
11. Evy Susanti Edi Susanto DM0580728
12. Fauziah Yakob DM0540114
13. Haspalela Saharin DM0580612
14. Hirdhanie Jamal DM0560029
15. Ismah Juhumin DM0540125
16. Joel Lalas DM0580609
17. Johari Abdullah DM0610652
18. Lianah Tan DM0580693
19. Maklin Songiyin
20. Markrozer Yong Tze Hoh DM0580628
21. Masdiah Bahar DM0610039
22. Masnah Hussein DM0580614
23. Mazrilan Rogerlio DM0670133
24. Melimi Ajin DM0580689
25. Mohd Malim Johari DM0560479
26. Mohd. Lufti
27. Mohd. Zikri Zainudin DM0670116
28. Moses Polus DM0580730
29. Noor Sabariah Jasa DM0580649
30. Norfazilah Abd Rahim DM0670098
31. Norozidah Jikri DM0610036
32. Norzaidah Abdul Hamid DM0610024
33. Nur Hasnizawati Idris DM0580811
34. Nurhayati Ahmad DM0570224
35. Patmawaty Muhammad DM0580601
36. Patmawaty Omar DM0570187
37. Phyllis Wong Jin Nyuk DM0580590
38. Rosdiana Tahang DM0580569
39. Rosliza Hashim ID0560269
40. Rozita Rosli DM0580615
41. Sairin Lingah DM0580650
42. Siti Hasnawati Amir DM0570191
43. Sofian Abd Salleh DM0409898

Makna Logo Persatuan

Bagaimana berjabat tangan tersebut wujud ?

Pada kami pula, pegertian pada logo kami atau di kenali sebagai Berjabat Tangan@ Hand Shake ialah, Logo kaunseling kelab kami ini bererti bahawa kami sentiasa bersahabat dengan sesiapa sahaja dan memegang kepercayaan antara kami dan juga orang yang kami bantu. Kami cuba menerangkan melalui logo persatuan kami ini bahawa persahabatan dan kepercayaan itu penting dalam menjadi "Pembantu dan Dibantu" tanpa mengenal siapapun sahabat yang bermasalah itu, dan logo persatuan kami ini menanda bahawa kami sentiasa membawa kepada perundingan menyelesaikan kesulitan yang dihadapi dan membuat perdamaian untuk sesuatu permasalahan yang di hadapi oleh sesiapa sahaja yg di bantu.


At times, everyone feels stressed-out, depressed, angry, anxious, or confused. Sometimes these problems gradually go away on their own or they get better with the support of their friends and family. However, there are other times when these problems can cause major disruptions in our lives and/or they are too difficult to talk about with their family and friends. It is at these times when one should seek out professional help.

The college years are an exciting time, but they can become very stressful. During the college years, students experience numerous personal challenges and are confronted with constant demands for adjustment and change. In addition to the increased academic pressures of college, students have to take on greater personal responsibilities as they become more independent from their parents, deal with new financial expenses, establish new and meaningful relationships, resolve conflicts between their own values and the pressures to be accepted by others, take on new roles, and develop career interests. Coping with all of these things can become very challenging and sometimes the support of a trained professional can be very helpful.

In general, counseling is a process where a trained professional helps someone deal with problems related to personal, social, academic, and career concerns. Counseling also is a conversational process that can be instrumental in the development of skills that help students effectively confront and cope with uncertainties and conflicts. A counselor will listen objectively and non-judgmentally and help you explore issues of importance to you. Issues may focus on a specific concern such as choosing your major, managing your time or building self-confidence. Counseling might also focus on your overall sense of well being, becoming a means by which you can gain greater understanding and acceptance of yourself and enhance your growth as a person.

The counseling profession consists of practitioners who work in educational, mental health, healthcare facilities, and other settings to help people make decisions, solve problems, establish or improve relationships, and reach life goals. Although professional counselors work in different settings with seemingly dissimilar missions, they are united by an understanding and command of basic helping skills and a common knowledge of approaches to counseling, human development, measurement and assessment, and psychological, social and cultural theories.

The counselor education program at University Tun Abdul Razak provides a foundation in counseling theory, helping skills, assessment, and developmental theories. It offers graduate students, who come from varied undergraduate backgrounds, an opportunity to study and develop their own personal style and approach to professional counseling. Students are encouraged to focus their major and elective study on course work that best meets their career interests.

The basic objective of Counseling Students Club (CSC) is to promote human development and learning by preparing professional counselors to assist children, adolescents, and adults with their educational, career, social, and personal decisions. With the emphasis on both theory and practice, students are expected to practice with competence and be able to work ethically and professionally toward their career.


Because the counseling field plays a critical role in campus effectiveness and student achievement, the will adopts the Counseling Students Club (CSC) rules in this sub chapter to ensure that each member for the counseling education is of the highest caliber and possesses the knowledge and skills necessary to improve the performance of the diverse student population of this state.

Each individual serving as a practitioner of counseling is expected to actively participate in professional development activities to continually update his or her knowledge and skills. Currency in best practices and research as related to both campus leadership and student learning is essential.


The Counseling Students Club (CSC)is an organization of graduate students from the counselor education program. Its purpose is to promote the counseling profession and encourage student involvement in state and national counseling associations. The Counseling Students Club (CSC) organizes meetings throughout the year to inform students of professional issues and other topics of interest. The association also seeks funding to support student registration and participation at state counseling conferences. Officers of the Counseling Students Club (CSC) are elected by the student membership and a faculty adviser is appointed each year.


The objectives of organizing this program are:

· To born a quality and caliber counselors.

· To develop and apply expertise in practitioner’s fields of study that engage in reflective, ethical, and legal practice throughout their education and professional lives.

· To develop empathic, respectful, and congruent interpersonal skills and abilities to work successfully with groups and individuals from diverse backgrounds in educational, community, and mental health settings.

· To view practitioner’s roles as preventive, educative, and therapeutic in promoting well-being, healthy relationships, academic success, and career mastery.

· To pursue lifelong professional and personal development through such mediums as continuing education, psychological counseling, active participation and leadership in professional organizations.

· To give revelation/exposure and share information which is dealing with the real and outside world.

· To build warmth relationship among all committee members, participants and lecturers in accomplishing assigned task.

· To foster and adapt moral values such as help each another, collaboration, responsible, respect and understanding one another.


Counseling Students Club

Adviser : Miss Arita

President : Andy Kedit Anak Gilbert Luta (DM0610003)

Vice President : Ahmad Rithaudeen Janudin (DM0610016)

Zikri Bin Zainuddin (DM0670116)

Secretary : Phyllis Wong J.N. (DM0580590)

Vice Secretary : Norzaidah Abdul Hamid (DM0610024)

Treasurer : Noor Sabariah Jasa (DM0580649)

Vice Treasurer : Rozita Rosli (DM0580615)

Modal Insan Exco. : Markrozer Yong Tze Hoh (DM0580628)

Fauziah Binti Yakob (DM0540114)

Academic Exco. : Masdiah Binti Bahar (DM0610039)

Norozidah Binti Jikri (DM0610036)

Evy Susanti Binti Edy Susanto (DM0580728)

Research Exco : Azrinah Bte Imran (DM0670083)
Angelina Julip (DM0670122)

Nurfazilah Abd. Rahim (DM0670098)

Publicity Exco. : Cahaya Binti Japar (DM0580828)

Ismah Binti Juhumin (DM0540125)

Rosdiana Tahang (DM0580596)

Patmawaty Muhammad (DM0580601)

Special task committee : Hirdhanie Bte Jamal (DM0560029)

Effa Izie Jamaluddin (DM0560071)


Johari Abdullah (DM0610652)

1st Meeting 26th May 2008

Counseling Students Club (CSC)1st Meeting 26th May 2008

Meeting called by : Andy Kedit Anak Gilbert Luta

Type of meeting : Committee Selection (Other Related Topics)

Advisor : Mr. David Tiongin Lumbuk

Note taker : Phyllis Wong